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  • Barry & John |
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在 Barry & John,我們的旅程始於對植物非凡之美與韌性的共同熱愛。位於台灣南投縣名間鄉的中心,我們打造了一個自然蓬勃發展、創意生生不息的綠色樂園。我們專注於培育稀有而獨特的植物,特別是多肉植物和龍舌蘭,這讓我們在植物愛好者中樹立了值得信賴的品牌形象。


在 Barry & John,我們相信可持續和負責任的園藝至關重要。我們的植物皆為本地培育,不進口,因此我們能夠保持最高的品質與照料標準。我們致力於在每一棵植物中,促進人與自然之間更深的連結。

加入我們的綠色旅程,讓 Barry & John 成為您家的一部分,在這裡,每片葉子都講述著愛、奉獻與成長的故事。

Our Brand Story

At Barry & John, our journey began with a shared passion for the extraordinary beauty and resilience of plants. Nestled in the heart of Mingjian Township, Nantou County, Taiwan, we have cultivated a sanctuary where nature thrives and creativity blossoms. Our dedication to nurturing rare and unique plants, particularly succulents and agaves, has set us apart as a trusted name among plant enthusiasts.

Our mission is to bring the beauty of nature into your home. We take pride in offering plants that are not only visually stunning but also well-adapted to thrive in various environments. Each plant we offer has been meticulously cared for, ensuring it arrives at your doorstep in perfect condition.

At Barry & John, we believe in the importance of sustainable and responsible gardening. Our plants are locally bred and cultivated, not imported, allowing us to maintain the highest standards of quality and care. We are committed to fostering a deeper connection between people and nature, one plant at a time.

Join us on this green journey, and let Barry & John be a part of your home, where every leaf tells a story of love, dedication, and growth.
